Friday, 5 November 2010

A Comprehensible and Logical Structure.



A Comprehensible and Logical Structure.

The new-age book market continues to be awash with publications that offer more and more esoteric mysteries of The Creator’s Creation. These they have solved, the authors hasten to assure us readers. When we eagerly buy and read the books we find that we are led through a labyrinth of sacred geometry, geometrical constructs and an assortment of linked symbols. These, the authors interpret according to their preferred basic assumptions. Unfortunately the ordinary lay reader/seeker is left to feel that the new-age cognoscenti wrote the book for the new-age cognoscenti. Often these authors attempt to add authority to their work by quoting from similar works based on similar assumptions by other authors.

Alternatively the authors may insist that the information in their books be channelled via themselves from this or that ascended master. We may be invited to empower ourselves and to clear our emotional blockages in readiness for our ascension and so on. All of this is valid information, and yet readers may be left to flounder with blurred and popular phrases such as, “Each shall become a creator in his or her own right.” The struggle with that phrase is because simultaneously the author/ascended master remains locked in by the same basic assumption. So now let us take a look at this basic assumption. Quite simply the basic assumption is that God is all there is. There is nothing outside of God, and to suggest there might be is to invite ridicule.

This basic but ambiguous assumption has kicked around the world of religion and spirituality for so long that it has achieved the status of proven fact. As a result any conjectured scenario for the ultimate purpose and future of mankind is tightly circumscribed by the restrictions that are integral to the assumption. From a Christian religion point of view mankind, individually and en masse will always remain at the base of a benevolent but fixed hierarchy with God at its head. From an eastern belief point of view our freewill endowed individuality is a physically induced illusion. Apparently the illusion conceals the greater reality that eventually we will all retract into and merge as one central “Me”. Also that originally this central “Me” extended us all like the tentacle tips of a sea anemone, but all temporarily freewill endowed, to gain experience and evolvement, not for us but for the central me. Various new-age beliefs have been culled from an uneasy mixture from both scenarios. As a result the many proffered beliefs are ingenious, intricate, and grow more and more blurred as to our Creator’s intended and ultimate purpose for Joe and Joan Bloggs.

Only when we refuse to accept that basic assumption as fact, do the various belief systems verge towards logical sense. For example, the Christian idea of an angelic hierarchy makes sense if it refers to a hierarchy of teachers just like the ascending grades of a college. Then obviously the students of such a college could only be individually ascended human beings like Joe and Joan Bloggs will eventually become.

The very top grade of this college would have the Creator Mind as its tutor. But when students reach and pass through the top grade of any college they don’t remain as students, they leave the college to make an adult life of their own. The only way graduates from this college could leave would be if there was anywhere else to go. The only thing that stops them is the non-proven assumption that there isn’t anywhere else to go. Similarly with the eastern belief versions where illusionary we are the unwitting extensions of a central intelligence. The whole idea becomes pointless if the intended and final result is to be only one solitary creator in his/her own right. The idea is pointless because it limits the growth and misinterprets the function of a Creator mind. In exactly the same way the Christian idea of a fixed hierarchy limits growth.

From the received Ascension Process information the clue to the truth is contained in the word, ‘process’. In our book, Not just how but why, we the authors have explored the process clue in depth. Here we will limit ourselves to a brief examination of this clue.

We live in a world that’s ecology is governed by processes. No matter how rich and powerful, and highly intelligent humans may become, mankind en masse and as individuals, is governed by processes over which mankind has no control. The very basic needs of humanity rely entirely upon non-interference with the processes that supply those needs. If with our immature use of intelligence we poison the soil, the water, or the air, then human intelligence will be in direct confrontation with those processes. This would be a confrontation that human intelligence could never win.

Conversely, if as an ongoing way of life, the individual intelligence of each member of mankind chooses non-interference with those processes, all life would benefit, intelligent or not. From this we may conclude that the existence of intelligence is made possible by the workings of a process that exists beforehand. The set in concrete assumption requires that a central Intelligence known as God, or Allah, or Our Father, or the Creator mind, has always existed. But this idea contradicts that well-known phrase, “ Below is a reflection of above” We cannot expect to have it both ways.

Below consists of growth and striving of life force to reach ever-higher levels of evolvement. Below the human level the life force evolvement process demands that the physical vehicle physically evolves to keep pace with the evolvement of the life force. At the human level, life force has evolved freewill endowed individualised intelligence. At this stage another part of the process enters the scene.

This part demands that human intelligence will choose to transform its physical body into an energy form that will be needed for the next level of human evolvement. The enlightened human intelligence accompanied by its body transmuted into its basic energy structure will depart from physical and astral existence. Even then it will continuously strive to ascend to attain the same high level as that of its creator.

Now we must explore the process by which this high level and our Creator came into existence. Always we return to the thought that all of Creation is created from energy, and this must include the intelligence of our Creator. A limitless ocean of energy and a process, both must have always existed. The ocean of energy has been called Chaos because it lacks direction it simply exists. The ongoing effect of the process made the energy evolve and in some way this generated a focal point of intelligence. The focal point contained energy given direction by the drive of the process in combination with the process itself. The source of energy was and is limitless.

The process was and is our familiar, versatile, evolutionary drive. In combination there was no limitation placed upon the intelligence that could evolve. To put this in familiar terms we call the ocean of energy, Chaos, and the process, blended with the energy, Evolvement. Only when the blend was exactly right could the result be a Creator Mind that is a perfectly balanced, harmonious, blend of both. We could say that the process is masculine and the energy source is feminine. The feminine aspect draws in, converts and supplies the energy imbued with her living intelligence. The masculine aspect uses intelligence to create with the supplied living energy.

From the effect of a process that has worked upon and combined with chaotic energies, as a result we have a perfectly blended intelligence that is then driven by the same process to convert and use the energies to create. Put simply, it was the effect of the drive to evolve upon the chaotic energies that generated intelligence. Once intelligence was created the process continued to drive that combined and blended intelligence to evolve. This is the highest level of the very same process that Charles Darwin defined in his theory of evolution. But in the physical the emphasis of the drive must first be on the ongoing evolution of the life force that then compels the further evolvement of the physical body.

The blended intelligence converts the ocean of chaotic energy into energy that is a blend of both aspects of the intelligence. The ocean has in fact become the energy source of the mind of the Creator. Any creation created by that mind will be created from energies that have been converted to contain both aspects of that mind. The creator mind has generated its own level that we could name the perfection level. It is perfect, but only in the sense that it is instantaneous existence. Created by the effect of a process upon energies in chaos, what more could this blended intelligence do to continue to evolve? First it must gain experience, knowledge, and wisdom because these are not integral parts of intelligence, as we know these have to be learnt.

This blended creator-mind is alone on its own perfect level and exists to think its thoughts and to imagine its creations. Really this is no different to any of us. We could lie in bed all day, think our thoughts and imagine our creations. But nothing would be achieved until we found a way to transfer our imagined creations out of our minds and into the world around us. Similarly our Creator would have to find a method by which any created creations would eventually have an entirely independent existence. This achieved independence and equality with our Creator would represent the further evolvement of our Creator. Until that independence and equality was achieved our Creator would provide for all of our energy needs. Also our Creator, linked to each of us, would gain from us more experience, knowledge and wisdom.

This may sound odd until we give it thought. Always we are presented with a stereotyped image of our Creator. It doesn’t matter whether it is a father image or a central me image. Always our Creator is portrayed as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, or put simply, knows everything, is everywhere at once, and is all-powerful. Of the three the effectiveness of the last two depends entirely upon the first. But how could a Creator mind alone on the perfection level achieve an omniscient state? We all know that gained knowledge and experience is built upon existing knowledge and experience. To own an encyclopaedia is meaningless unless you study and learn from it.

To learn we have to learn in sequence because time and sequence govern our thinking and our existence. In this way we gain knowledge and experience. We learn from the choices that we have to make with no foreknowledge of their outcomes. Our Creator on the instantaneous level cannot do this because the outcome of every choice is instantly known. This means that our Creator cannot learn from direct experience, and could only gain experience via the experiences of its creations. But for those creations to be able to gain experience they had to be able to leave the instantaneous level. In our book, “Not just how, but why” we have explored how and why our Creator created levels that were not instantaneous. But now it becomes easier to understand where the central me, multi-tentacle, sea-anemone assumption fits in. The assumption doesn’t go far enough, because the tip of each tentacle will eventually detach itself to become an established sea anemone in its own independent right.

What we offer here are great big intimidating thoughts for flexible thinkers. We have shown how process and energy could have generated an intelligent, blended, creator mind. We have also shown that this was just the start because that mind was then driven by the process to evolve. It is daunting to then realise that the experience of each one of us is the source of our Creator’s ongoing evolvement. One theme of new-age thought emphasises the need to consciously build your own image of self. The reason for this need is because our Creator simply supplies the energy onto which you emboss your unique, preferred image. That is what your individual freewill is for.

To become a Creator in your own right means that there is no ‘Father of Fathers’ behind the Great Central Sun to tell you what to do. There is only an ocean of energy and a process that serves your Creator’s Creator, and serves your Creator, and waits to also serve you and your unique version of Creation.

Love and Laughter to all seekers, from David and Yvonne Brittain.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010



Apart from my mother who had to be there at the time, alone I entered the world and when I face the death of my physical body, alone I shall leave this world.
During the period between these two events I shall continue to be bombarded by the thoughts, ideas, opinions, rules and regulations, and man-made laws of other people. This is no different and applies to every human being that ever has and ever will exist on this planet.

In 1936 I was born left-handed into a world designed for a right-handed race. During world war two, at the English primary school I attended, the headmaster honestly believed that to enforce ambidexterity upon five year old yours truly could screw up my brain. Unwittingly that good man condemned me to a life of struggle as all things mechanical are designed for status-quo right-handed people, including can openers, piano keyboards, the stringing of banjos and guitars, tools, most garden gates, and also the mechanics of English hand-writing. Though a struggle I had to learn different ways of doing things and thinking about things that I wouldn’t have had to learn if I had been born right-handed, and also thinking and doing in ways mostly right-handed mankind would never experience.

Gratefully, when I was a youngster my parents taught me to believe in a loving God, but didn’t indoctrinate me into any religious belief system and so I now view with a jaundiced eye and as an outside observer all traditional dogma-bound religions. I reserve an even more jaundiced eye when observing the hierarchies of people who, even well into their dotage, traditionally organise and run these different religions. I hope that mostly these are lovely, kind people who honestly and sincerely believe in what they teach. Confusion enters the scene when an outsider tries to make sense of what is being taught because each belief system offers different names for, and versions and interpretations of our relationship to, our Creator; versions and interpretations mostly handed down and set in the inflexible concrete of tradition down the ages.

Each different belief system has it own holy book or books, and each holy book trots out a totally different set of instructions for the teachers to impart to the unquestioning followers. Most religions throughout the world appear to be founded on the belief that long ago our Creator spoke to a man, and then that man relayed what he received to other men who then handed the knowledge in written form down the generations of men. Ironically, although that ancient-times man must have been psychic to have been able to telepathically receive a non-physical God’s utterances, many teachers of religions since then condemn and regard with deep suspicion anyone who openly displays psychic abilities.

Why do I have a jaundiced eye in regard to the hierarchies of people who, even well into their dotage, traditionally organise and run these different religions?
Assuming that the ancient-times man was, just like we are, subject to the frailties of being human, he had to eat, drink, and sleep. He shivered when cold and perspired when hot, and like us he had his worries and self-doubts, his highs and lows. Apparently this man had no need for a hierarchy of priests to intercede with God for him because he was in direct contact with his Creator. So why do we need them to intercede for us, surely if God spoke to that man there’s no reason why God wouldn’t speak direct to each of us if we trained ourselves to listen?

What of the holy books? Mostly these are men’s interpretations of men’s interpretations of what was actually meant when God spoke to the ancient-times man. We have all played the party game sitting in a circle and passing a message from player to player. By the time the message has travelled the circle it returns to its sender as garbled nonsense. Now consider the countless times down the centuries the holy books have been copied, translated into different languages and even re-interpreted for political motives. Even the misplacing of a comma could alter the intended meaning of a sentence, and yet today’s followers of traditional religions are required to faithfully accept as God’s Word everything written in their holy books. So my objection is that the priests expect and encourage their followers to accept a passive audience role instead of teaching them meditation techniques to enable followers to link directly with their Creator. Instead, if today a man insisted that God spoke to him those same hierarchies of priests would no doubt ridicule him or demand that he prove his claim.

At the beginning of this article I mentioned about being alone when I entered the world and when I face the death of my physical body, alone I shall leave this world. During the period between these two events I shall continue to be bombarded by the religious belief systems, thoughts, ideas, opinions, rules and regulations, and man-made laws, of other people. This is no different and applies to every human being that ever has and ever will exist on this planet. Knowing this it is up to each human being to apply clear thought and discernment before choosing to believe anything contained in the bombardment. The alternative is to be led by the nose as a non-thinking member of a herd. But what do you think?

Love and Laughter from

David Brittain

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Hubble, and the Electron Microscope, or A Spanner in the Works of Dogma.


Hubble, and the Electron Microscope, or A Spanner in the Works of Dogma.

Often in our articles we the authors cheerfully reveal our ongoing suspicions about “Experts”. More to the point our hackles arise in alarm when we hear the authoritative tone that is used by experts. This tone is sometimes acceptable when limited to the expert’s field of expertise.

Unfortunately confusion reigns amongst us lay people when the tone continues to be used even when the expert enters the heady and blurred realms of conjecture. More confusion is caused when would-be (but certainly are not) experts discover that the use of the authoritative tone is enough to baffle and intimidate many lay people. As a result of the confusion, many lay persons give up the struggle to think things out for themselves. It is easier and less intimidating to rely upon those who are, or who long to be and sound as if they are, experts.

In the world of business this general reluctance to tackle the users of the authoritative-tone was decades ago clearly demonstrated, in a hilarious book entitled ‘Parkinson’s Law’ by an author named Parkinson. A large committee meets to vote about three items on the agenda. The first item is a nuclear power station that will require a massive outlay of money to build. Within less than five minutes this is unanimously voted for without general discussion because out of the committee of thirty members only two have nuclear expertise; these two are employed by the contractor who wants the job.

The second item requires committee approval for a new bicycle shed for the staff. This item is discussed for one hour and a half because everyone knows something about bicycle sheds. The third item concerns the expense of catering supplies for staff coffee breaks. Four hours later this item is still being loudly and heatedly discussed until time runs out and the vote has to be postponed.

Another generous harvest of specialist experts is to be found in the fields of religion, religious dogma, and “New-Age” thought. Here we must at least try to define the word, Expert. In the modern field of nuclear physics we could roughly define an expert as one whose expertise, at least so far, has not blown mankind off of the planet. It is more difficult to define expertise in the field of religion, the nuclear physicist or the genetic engineer to be classed, as expert at least has to achieve something original. The former either benevolently or traumatically affects mankind. The efforts of the latter, either will, or will not alter mankind beyond all recognition.

To be classed as an expert, who is qualified to teach in the field of religion, publicly expressed originality of thought must be shunned at all costs. Instead, with the authoritative tone of the expert the teacher is simply required to quote the established, traditional dogma. This applies to all established religious belief systems throughout the world. Respected and revered religious teachers are expected by all to ignore modern, scientifically proven knowledge. Instead they must continue to teach medieval interpretations of even more ancient interpretations of spiritual knowledge. The traumatic effect of this teaching upon mankind is equal and has been more long lasting than the effect of anything that may yet be devised by our nuclear or genetic experts.

This is no exaggeration because even when seekers of truth flee from traditional purveyors of dogma they are faced with more dogma thinly disguised as “New-Age” thought. This sad state of affairs even applies when we seek logical knowledge about the ascension process. A few decades ago no one knew much about Ascension. Ascension was just a date in the church calendar. Mostly we all were breaking free from the dogmatic, dust-coated idea of physically arising from our future graves. New-agers had then tottered through the period when it had been fashionable to visit India, and to sit for a while in an ashram at the feet of this or that guru. They would then return to the west to teach their own variations and interpretations of eastern religions. One fortunate result was that the knowledge of reincarnation became acceptable and more widely understood across the new-age scene.

During the late eighties and early nineties the Ascension Process information once more flooded in to offer all seekers a logical target to aim for. No longer was self-illumination or as we know it, the ascension process, believed to be limited to Jesus and a few solitary, remote and ancient eastern gurus. Ascension is intended as the goal for every human being without exception. To accept this target we had to expand the way we think. We had to take a clear and logical look at ourselves, and the world around us. Also we had to look beyond our ascension.

We all had to re-assess for value, logic, and truth what the world’s traditional religious experts had always taught us. It has been an exciting period because there has been so much to unlearn, and then so much more to learn. But we must not allow ourselves to fall into the same trap, as did the traditional religious experts. So rather than any of us adopt the self-assertive tone of new-age experts each of us must be sure that we have expanded our thoughts enough to qualify simply for the role of a new-age thinker. To be a new-age thinker requires, as best you may, that YOU sort the wheat from the abundance of chaff, and then YOU THINK deeply about the wheat.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or believes. What matters, is what YOU think and believe. Until you give it thought this is difficult to accept and to do, especially if your early religious training demanded of you unquestioning faith in what was taught. Even today the traditional laid-on guilt implication is that to question what is taught equates with disloyalty to the teachers and the teachings, and in turn this equates with disloyalty to the church, mosque, or synagogue and therefore also disloyalty to God. What a clever way to discourage original thought, “Stick to the rulebook and no one needs to actually think.” The problem is who wrote the rulebooks, and how many times have the rulebooks been re-written and re-interpreted according to the then current level of understanding, or for what was then currently politically expedient?

Optimistically we must not doubt the sincerity of those olden times teachers of spirituality that now are so often authoritatively quoted. But we must also keep firmly in mind the beliefs that were current during the lifetimes of those characters. As an example, for many centuries it was generally believed that our world was dish-shaped, rested on the back of several hefty elephants that in turn stood on the back of a giant turtle. The star-filled sky was believed to be an inverted, bowl perforated with holes through which the light of Heaven gleamed. If you went to the edge of the world you would fall off. In a similar way until modern times no one, scientists or theologians, had any reliable data and so could only conjecture on the nature of physical matter.

As a result the belief that the dead would physically arise from their graves, could not be argued with. Today astronomy has revealed the true energy nature of the universe and electron microscopy has revealed the same true energy nature of physical matter. It would be the height of arrogance to assume that those revered characters of ancient times would not have revised their beliefs and teachings to include our modern-day data, had they had access to it. Unfortunately for their followers, modern-day teachers of established religions seem to have made that assumption.

To be a new-age thinker requires that the seeker will refuse to be content with a blurred picture of his or her ultimate destination. This means that the seeker casts out of his or her personal stock of cosy homilies the well-worn phrase, “There are things in heaven and earth that we are not meant to know.” Once you have dumped this cosy ‘get-out’ you are left with a vacuum. This is a vacuum that only you can satisfactorily fill with knowledge, knowledge that you personally have taken apart and thought deeply about. The new-age scene is awash both, with ancient wisdom, and a multitude of new-agers’ personal, authoritative interpretations of that ancient wisdom.
The ancient wisdom may have been received from an ascended master via a human channel. But even this is not sufficient because the limitations and childhood conditioning of each fallible human channel may distort the ascended master’s message. When you become a seeker you also cease to be a passive follower of believers in this or that interpretation. All knowledge, no matter whence its source, must be personally tested by you intuitively guided by your higher self, your higher self will provide the intuitive guidance but you must provide the discernment. You will need to develop discernment as well as to develop your intuitional link with your higher self. Then your self-honesty will discern between knowledge that flatters your ego and knowledge that intuitively ‘feels right and true’. There’s lots of either of these types of knowledge on offer.

Even at the risk that you may seem unsociable it is better to do this on your own than to do this in a group. The temptation is to go along with, and succumb to, the beliefs of the group and its leader rather than develop your very own links and beliefs. Conversely a very powerful and effective group may be created when each member adds his or her previously highly developed intuitive link and discernment to the group total. In this way each member, in his or her own timing, has already become a leader of self and so needs no leadership.

To become a self-confident leader of self will be even more vital in the days to come. We don’t need global tilts and the grind of tectonic plates to observe the barely hidden growth of confusion and bewilderment of our leaders/experts. This same confusion and bewilderment is reflected more and more by a mankind who from birth has been taught to rely entirely upon leadership from experts. As this situation worsens, each seeker that has become a leader of self will be a lighthouse that stands alone amid the ongoing storm. But even this is not enough.

Yes of course you will radiate your soul light to all of those walking-wounded. But mankind has been cheated and lied to by their leaders for so long that now they will also demand from you accurate knowledge that you personally have tested.

This is the tough assignment that you volunteered for, and it has to be ordinary, old, you, with your backache and your mortgage repayments to find, that will fulfil it. After all there would be little point in droves of ascended masters descending to earth to walk amid mankind. We’d be back to ‘square one’ because half of mankind would want to bow down and worship them, and the other half would cynically be looking for the 3D Holograph projectors.

Regular readers of our articles will know that usually we offer them four pages that explore different facets of the ascension process as we at the Ascension Support Team interpret them. But really it doesn’t matter what anyone else or we believe. This time we decided to limit the article to place emphasis on the importance only of what YOU think and believe. Let us explain.

Globally mankind’s problem is that a world that was and still should be entirely guided by love and trust has been cleverly distorted so that mostly fear and miss-trust guide it. Now in this year 2010 it doesn’t matter whether it was Satan, or villainous extra-terrestrials, or an aeons-old ongoing conspiracy of fear-filled men that made this clever switch. The result has been the same, fear, guides and controls mankind and so though love, virtue and trust exist upon earth they have been tightly isolated into countless family-sized pockets. Each family is made up of individuals. It is each individual that dares not allow his or her love and trust to expand beyond family and trusted friends. This applies whether we refer to the president of the USA, or a powerful Mafia family, or the family of a factory worker. This is why it is so important for workers of the light to teach individuals, by word, writing, and example, to think for self and to break free from fear-manipulated mass thought. Somehow we have to blend spirituality and spiritual knowledge into everyday life. Yes, we new-agers may confidently reassure each other about guidance from spirit, incoming energies, ascended masters’ help and Ashtar’s fleet standing by.
But to your average factory worker, worried about his or her job, all of this sounds like dreamtime wishful thinking. This means that before he or she is ready to believe us we have to persuade him or her to take a long, hard look at this planet. Earlier in this article we explained that when we acquired the knowledge of the ascension process this required us to see our familiar world and ourselves from a totally different slant. Really we had to continue to be full time participants whilst we also adopted the full time role of observers. Very quickly for each new seeker this additional role bore strange fruit and then our familiar world seems less and less familiar to us. Other writers have already written at length about a deliberately dis-empowered mankind. Here are a few examples to offer as seeds of doubt to your unaware factory worker.

We began to notice things that we never bothered to notice before. We began to notice how advertisers and media to the point where we all regard this as normal practice manipulate our fears and our hopes with lies and half-truths. We noticed how tightly our personal freedom and freedom of speech, and freedom to be published is quite legally circumscribed. We observed the meaninglessness of our freewill to choose between maybe five or six high street banks that supposedly compete but in fact are linked to a national bank. In turn all of the national banks are linked to a World Bank that decides what your wages will or won’t be worth. Once upon a time paper money was simply your reliable bank receipt for a certain weight of gold. Today, paper or electronic money has no reliable value, and so we ask ourselves why? Here is another example.

At the start of the 1900’s orthodox cancer treatment consisted of the knife, radioactivity, or vicious chemicals. Then after a century of media-encouraged generous and vast public donation of money, whilst all alternative proven cancer cures were deliberately ignored, today we are offered the knife, or radioactivity, or vicious chemicals. Yes we have sent men to the moon and satellites to closely watch us from the sky. We have Internet that might, without censorship, allow us to know what really happens in the world, but may also be used to dis-credit our credit card at any electronic cash point in the world. In truth our biggest doubt about experts is that it is hidden, powerful people, whose fears drive them to need to control us all that mostly employ experts. Eventually the curiosity of your factory worker will lead him or her to seek the bigger picture, but in his or her own timing, not yours or ours. We all can only try to trigger awareness.
Love and Laughter from David & Yvonne Brittain. 14-08-2010.

The purpose of Ascension Support Team is to make available ongoing morale support and spiritual guidance for all seekers on the “Path” We regard our role as that of “Anchoring and spreading the Light”. Time is accelerating and the “New-Age” scene offers many fascinating, but time-wasting cul-de-sacs, but also has much vital wisdom to offer for the new seeker’s spiritual evolvement. A few decades ago it didn’t matter to seekers that to learn the lesson of discernment was an expensive and time-consuming process. Now it matters very much, and so we also try to provide the Light and self-confidence needed by newcomers to quickly separate, the wheat from the chaff. The purposes of our self-publishing venture are to further the stated purpose of our Ascension Support Team, by use of the printed word, and also to provide much needed funding for our ongoing spiritual endeavours.
Below is a list of books written, and produced as E-Books by David & Yvonne Brittain.

“Not just how but why?”

“Food For Thought on the Path to Ascension.” An E-Book of published ascension essays, articles, and poetry.

“Life is Hell, and then you are dead!” Or “Would you run that by me one more time?” (Re-assurance and a clearly written explanation of Reincarnation, for all whom fear death)

“A Flavour of the Languedoc.”(A Heretic’s viewpoint) Free E-Booklet

“ The gentle art of trapped souls rescue/ release work” and Meditations around Payes du Cathare: written by Yvonne Brittain.

“A Journey through the Spheres.”(A fable about Ascension for the young at heart, of all ages.)

All enquiries to: David and Yvonne Brittain…e-mail to<

If you have found this article helpful please feel free to network it in its entirety.
To obtain our E-Books and to find out more about us do visit our website at

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

St George looks ahead in dismay

I wonder what Saint George would make of today’s typical native Englishmen? We have swung from my teenage memories of 1950s, for the most part, self respect in dress and manners to the 2010 slob-like indifference so often displayed today. The universal uniform of today is the shrunken and wrinkled tee-shirt, scruffy jeans, and grubby trainers worn by young and not so young alike. The same dreary uniform is often worn for work and also for special occasions. Enthusiasm is limited to a media-boosted hysterical frenzy at all aspects of football or of televised celebrity culture and of youngsters seeking instant TV stardom. Indifference and cynicism is the rule of the day and seems to be rife throughout society. Many are no longer feeling intensely shocked and disgusted at the vile actions of fellow citizens. What has happened to us all, don’t we care about anything any more?

Sunday, 18 April 2010

My sympathies go out to the suffering of the folks in Haiti, but oh I do get tired of the endless laid-on guilt trips inflicted upon we the British public by the Media every time there is a disaster somewhere on the planet. Millionaires, billionaires, multi-billionaires galore arrogantly swan about the world (how on Earth does one man become a multi-billionaire whilst another man barely survives in grinding poverty?), apparently there is so much available money swilling about the world when governments require military might to be updated and to fight wars, until of course banks need to be rescued by tax-payers from the banks' self-inflicted, bonus-enhanced plights. Third World countries can have their national debts cancelled out at the stroke of a pen by the World Bank but the great British public whether they've prudently avoided living on credit or not are expected to foot the bill each and every time. We all know we live or exist on a planet consisting of a ball of very hot molten magma covered by a relatively thin layer of cracked congealed buckling rock, so why when the powerful elite remorselessly work towards globalisation isn't there a global emergency fund poised and always ready to completely cover the costs of disaster rescue and rebuilding work as and when needed any where in the world? Instead the disaster victims always have to feel they are the recipients of charity, assuming they ever receive any of the donations that we are always urged to dig deep into our pockets to provide?
David Brittain

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

What a mess

At run up to election time we all listen to the slanging matches between the political parties. We hear the same old promises re-hashed, and oh yes it’s all going to be different this time, but somehow I doubt that things will change for the better no matter which party wins. There are so many sour aspects of the current political situation that fuels reluctant voters’ doubts, for example:

The MP who probably does an excellent job aiding and advising his or her local constituents obediently blends in herd-like with following the party line when the party whips demand it, even though this often means voting completely opposite to the local constituents’ wishes. This is not democracy in action it is rule dictated by the leadership. Laws are passed virtually unread and unopposed by MPs, and often passed late at night when only a handful of members are present. Is the elected-by-the-voters MPs' role in Parliament to simply be ‘yes-men’ to the party leaders and their cabinets?

Thanks to Tony Blair and Co the UK got dragged into America's corporate empire building wars of which, despite the arrival of Saint Obama, there is no sign of them ending, and yet none of the UK election spiels currently drenching every available moment of the media have mentioned ending the ongoing wars or even mentioned the wars at all.

Swindles have abounded and more swindles come to light each day. The ongoing, well publicised, MPs’ expenses scandal, and the vast toxic debt created with their seniors’ approval by Porsche-driving, obscenely bonus-enhanced precious young bank employees lending far too much to borrowers (who in turn should have known their personal borrowing limits) and then selling on to other banks the same bad debts as derivatives. With very few exceptions no one in parliament or the banking worlds have been punished or prosecuted. The government makes sure that it is the taxpaying public that rescues the banks, and the banks consolidate their positions. Meanwhile no matter whether taxpayers have lived dangerously on credit or have carefully lived within their means, we all have become brainwashed victims of carefully laid-on guilt with the idea boosted from all political parties and bankers that we the public have to repay the bank-created gigantic toxic bad debts. On top of this we all are expected to continue paying for going to war for reasons that leave most of us baffled and suspecting that the reasons are more to do with protecting oil pipelines rather than fighting terrorism.

Everything, gas, electricity, telephone, railways etc previously owned by the British public, including most council housing, have been privatized or sold off. UK Manufacturers have eagerly shunted manufacturing jobs abroad to cheaper work forces so that now we are mostly a nation of unemployed service providers competing with an unbroken flow immigrants for the few available jobs. What have we left to conserve?

David Brittain
22 Thorns Way
Walton on the Naze
Essex CO14 8SB

Monday, 12 April 2010

A helpful booklet


A booklet to help parents cope with that dreaded Generation Gap

It is often difficult for caring, loving parents to give good and sensible advice that will be accepted by their beloved teenaged daughters. In parallel often there is a different, more relaxed type of bond of affection and trust between grand parents and their grand children. I am a grand father and so with this special bond in mind I have written a reader-friendly booklet for the benefit of all special grand daughters no matter where they live in the world, and they all are special even though they are often led to believe that they are not special. Below for your interest I have listed the chapters and the flavour that each chapter contains. Obviously advice verbally given face to face could have the negative confrontational effect, even from grand parents. The same advice offered from a booklet read in the privacy of the princess’s bedroom could gently widen a daughter’s outlook on life. The books and magazine shops are crammed with advice for teenagers about cosmetics, fashion, and the latest gadgets. Advice about sex, looking sexy, and the physical body is there in abundance. This booklet helps teenaged girls to value, protect, and cherish their individual uniqueness.

Summary of 'Hints for all special granddaughters'

Page 03 Chapter One: There’s no fool like an old fool.
In chapter one I describe the misunderstandings caused by the generation gap.

Page 07 Chapter Two: Quality versus quantity.
In chapter two I urge teenagers to develop their imagination and sense of curiosity.

Page 14 Chapter Three: Modern questions with ancient answers.
In chapter three I encourage teenagers to enjoy reading and to question what they are taught.

Page 17 Chapter Four: Flexibility of mind.
In chapter four I encourage teenagers to understand their selves and to look deeper than the surface appearances of others.

Page 21 Chapter Five: A brief list of tips.
In chapter five: a brief list of tips helps young ladies to understand how
young men think and quite often don't think.

Page 26 Chapter Six: You, living with you.
In chapter six: You living with you gently explain the parental viewpoint to teenagers and also what is required of them while living at home or expected from them by others while living elsewhere.

Page 35 Chapter Seven: The price of drug addiction.
In chapter seven: The price of drug addiction, takes the form of a short,
grim story entitled, the fatal trap, in which the main character is the
young reader.

Page 40 Chapter Eight: Illusions.
In chapter eight: Illusions, explains how public thinking is manipulated by blurring the line between needs and desires.

Page 44 Chapter Nine: Protecting your uniqueness and your pocket.
In chapter nine: The illusion named fashion explores mass-produced garments bearing top designers' names.

Page 54 Chapter Ten: Hints in a nutshell for the young adult lady.
In chapter ten, I offer the teenager eight helpful general hints.

Page 58 Chapter Eleven: A mystery, why do we exist?
In this last chapter briefly we explore the confusion caused by conflicting
belief systems, and methods of seeking truth.

Page 69 Booklist, and, About the Authors

Hints for all special grand daughters is a printable 70 A4 sides booklet downloadable from our website
Price £2.oo via our PayPal link

Friday, 9 April 2010

ships that pass each other in the night

Ships that pass each other in the night

This is about YOU. Not just as YOU where you are now, but YOU as an intelligent human being with the future ahead of YOU a future that YOU can guide and control.

Everyone exists during a moment we all think of as NOW. Our future is blurred and unknown, and memories of our past quickly become hazy. This is like everyone in the world walking alone through a thick mist. This means that we have to learn the lessons of life as we move through time, or as time flows passed us. The world is filled with people who we will never meet or know, but who, just like we do, exist in the ‘Now’ moment, and who never know what the next moment will bring. Will it bring something awful or something wonderful?

Each of us has a path that we must follow as we journey through life. Sometimes the path runs alongside the paths of other people, friends, relations or workmates, for a short or long period of time and then those paths diverge leaving each of us alone to follow our own paths. I have explained this to you so that you may choose to become flexible enough in your outlook to be able to accept and expect changes during your life, but never to fear those changes. The same people that surround you now will at some time in the future go their own ways leaving you to continue along your own path. From this you will understand that no relationship with other people in your future life is rigid, permanent, or fixed, hence the old saying, “Ships that pass each other in the night”

The choice for you is whether you choose to be one of those ships feeling their ways uncertainly through the darkness and fog, or for you to be a lighthouse that radiates safety and light to those passing ships. To be able to become a lighthouse requires you to completely trust yourself and to trust in the future.

When you learn to trust in the future and what it may bring you cease to worry about yourself because you become confident that whatever the uncertain future brings you will cope with it, as you have done in the past. Knowing this you are then able to live completely and fully in the moment we think of as ‘Now’. Many people fail to live in the ‘Now’ moment because they fear what the future may bring or they long for past happiness and so their thoughts are always focused in the future or the past, never in the ‘Now’. The past is fixed and the future is unformed, so the only moment when any of us can control or change anything is during the ‘Now’ moment. Keep in mind that YOU are in charge of YOU, and what YOU decide is for YOU in the ‘Now’ moment shapes your future.
Love and Laughter from David and Yvonne

Thursday, 8 April 2010




A Tool named Ridicule

As we all know, conspiracy theories abound on the Internet, and to dare use the title ‘New World Order’ is to invite ridicule as being the unreal products of fevered imaginations. Obviously the whole point of a conspiracy is to strictly limit knowledge of it to the conspirators who dreamed up the conspiracy in the first place. As such it is difficult if not impossible for ordinary members of the public to know for certain if a conspiracy to introduce a N.W.O. exists or not. At this point it may be helpful to define what we mean by the word conspiracy, and also what we mean by New World Order. The Collins concise dictionary defines the word conspiracy as, 1. A secret plan, to carry out an illegal or harmful act, especially with political motivations; plot. 2. The act of making such plans in secret.

Next let us examine the title ‘New World Order’. We the authors are deeply into New Age thought and we welcome any improvement or innovation that would make this a more enlightened better and fairer world in which for without exception, everyone to live. If N.W.O. is meant to achieve a better and fairer world for all we are all for it, unfortunately hard experience gained during nearly seven decades of closely observing modern history being made makes us suspicious of the word ‘Order’ included in that title. During that long observing period we have witnessed throughout the world the introduction or rather imposition of many harsh versions of the word ‘Order’ by leaders upon the people they are privileged to lead. No matter what flavour of ‘ism’ the politics that the current leaders follow, always unfailingly the same type of people come out on top to enjoy riches and power, and always the same type of people remain on the bottom, seemingly powerless and dependent on those at the top, so if N.W.O. means a more powerful and autocratic version of the same we really don’t need it, life is hard enough already.

What makes our lives so hard? The fact that thinly disguised powerful autocracy has already ruled mankind for many generations and has become the normal, accepted way of life, and here is where the word ‘conspiracy’ enters the scene. It surely cannot be legal to plan and create the circumstances that will certainly cause the disempowered majority of mankind to suffer ever-tightening restrictions on the freedom of all individuals to enjoy a fulfilling life, and yet that is what is happening. The same Collins dictionary defines the word Autocracy as (1) Government by an individual with unrestricted authority. (2) A country, society, etc., ruled by an autocrat.

So far every type of political ‘ism’ has been tried somewhere in the world but always it ends up with all the power invested into one man or woman at the top of this or that government. The government may be the result of a military coupe or it may have been democratically elected but always decision making comes down to the top man and his selection of non-elected specialist advisors, and then loyalty to the political party demands that all of the elected government members have to go along with what has been decided in their names. Any member that doesn’t go along with the decision is ostracized. Of course in a democracy the top man can be voted out of office or impeached to then be replaced by another top man or woman but the situation as described remains unchanged. World-shaking decisions are made when this international selection of a few top men and women meet and these decisions seldom if ever reflect the wishes of the world population.

Whose wishes do these decisions made by leaders of governments reflect? Unfortunately they mostly reflect the wishes and demands of powerful international private interests, huge investors, banks, and industrialists with the power and influence to make or break the economies of nations. Money is the method by which mankind has chosen to exchange energy, and so those who create and control the flow of money internationally have enormously powerful influence over the decisions made by national leaders. Looked at in this light the whole idea of democratic government is a confidence trick played on the voters. It is very easy to work such a deception because most people are not politically minded or politically conversant. The very lifestyle of the working people ensures that their entire focus of attention is fixed upon surviving in a deliberately manipulated competitive society where ever-rising prices for essentials have become the accepted norm. To protest and to suggest that deliberate manipulation is involved at best invites being publicly ridiculed or being completely and arrogantly ignored by the very media that offers itself as ‘Defenders of the peoples’ rights’ and of at worst being persecuted and hounded by the ‘lawful authorities.

The protester is then faced by a system of justice created and run by people who individually have had to devote many, many years to learning the intricacies and laws of a justice system based in many centuries of precedent. Despite the required years of study devoted by these people they then blandly inform the protester that ignorance of the law is not an acceptable excuse. What chance does anyone have when faced with such an illogical system?

What are the wishes of the world population? The world is filled with a melange of different types of people, different colour skins, different religions and spiritual beliefs, different languages, and different lifestyles, but mostly they all share the same wishes in common. Wherever they live in the world they want to live in peace with their neighbours. They want to earn a decent and honest living to enable them to enjoy the love and warmth of their families, and to enjoy a modest share of the generous bounty and beauty offered by planet Earth. They want to be able to trust their leaders to get on with the job of leading the people to prosperity. Mostly the last thing they want is to conquer other nations or to impose their will, religious or political, upon others. Really this is not much to ask from life, but how many of us ever get these simple wishes granted? Instead our leaders offer us all a continuous, indigestible diet of fear served up in many different forms. Fear is used to manipulate our emotions, and self-doubts by both political and religious leaders, and by those hidden powerful interests that control the media and pull the puppet strings of the leaders. If this isn’t a conspiracy, what is?

To divide and conquer sums up the motives that lay behind this forced diet of fear. For example, if you can be made to feel that others from elsewhere in the world are intent upon harming you and your loved ones you have no way of knowing whether this is true or not, but you wish to believe that the leader via the media is telling you the truth. Quite naturally without thought or protest you would allow your trusted leader to adopt greater powers that also would restrict yours and everyone else’s freedom, all supposedly in the cause of protecting you and your loved ones. You would allow your local friendly police force to be transformed into masked, armoured regiments of humanoids complete with Zulu-type, baton-beating plastic shields backed by tear gas and water cannons to invoke terror into those, branded as disloyal traitors that dare to protest at such infringements upon personal freedom.

You would proudly send your sons and daughters abroad to fight those that you have been led to believe threaten your nation. Lastly you would wait in vain for your leader to relinquish those adopted greater powers and to bring your sons and daughters back home to you. You would wait in vain because the whole idea was to gain those greater powers in the first place, and so always reasons will be found to justify retaining those powers for as long as possible. At no stage during the working of this confidence trick are you allowed by the media to regard those others from elsewhere in the world as human beings very little different to yourself. Thus to one man a freedom fighter is to another man a terrorist, depending on the differing points of view emphasised.

The powers-that-be works a similar confidence trick on young people whose loyalty to their nations leads them to enlist in the armed forces. Swiftly and smoothly they are encouraged by their seniors to regard their selves as members of an elite brotherhood, separate from those in civilian life, and to regard the leader of their nation as their commander-in-chief. Before the hideous reality of their situation dawns on these young impressionable people they are expected to swear an oath, which in fact transfers all matters of his or her conscience and application of personal freewill firmly into the hands of his or her senior officers. This sounds like an unlikely exaggeration until in times of armed conflict the conscience of the young person compels him or her to disobey orders. Then mercilessly, from top to bottom, the brotherhood unites against this misguided individual. Much of the working of this confidence trick relies on an ongoing need of individuals to belong and be accepted by a group. To belong to and be accepted by a group requires the individual to replace clear thought with blind obedience to orders from above, and in this way, via the military hierarchy the civilian leader of a nation is willingly given a powerful, obedient weapon with which to bargain when leaders of nations meet.

We have already mentioned the hidden pressures from powerful international interests that are exerted upon leaders of nations. The existence of these pressures brings into question the real rather than the publicised reasons and motives for taking a nation to war. For everyone but the ordinary tax-paying citizen wars and weapons research and manufacture are very profitable ventures for those who never reveal themselves to public scrutiny. This means that the interests of the military and the international arms manufacturers are closely aligned. Thus each nation, made up of people who don’t want war, is compelled to spend countless billions of taxpayers’ money on the increasingly foul weapons of war.

No matter how highly principled the leader of a nation we never seem to get to the point where honesty is allowed to enter the scene during international negotiations with leaders of other nations. The western nations have an appalling modern history of arrogant exploitation of the resources of third world countries and near, middle, and far eastern nations that has produced ongoing, intense resentment and hatred, but never does the national pride of our leaders allow them to ask how they could make amends for all of that past wrong doing. This leads us to believe that an international conspiracy does exist that cruelly use any tool to foment discord and distrust between nations of peace-loving people.

If as we believe the imposition of some type of malevolent N.W.O. is waiting in the wings we only have ourselves to blame. Each of us is gifted with intelligence and is capable of using intelligence to ask searching questions of our leaders and of demanding honest answers. The time for blind unquestioning trust and acceptance has gone having revealed as a result continuous betrayal of our trust. When enough people change their individual outlook from that of followers of leaders of governments and religions to that of ‘leader of self’ we all will revalue ourselves, our opinions and our thoughts regardless of those of others. Then that indigestible diet of fear will be replaced by the clear thinking of each individual, and then the light of truth will illuminate the dark corners where furtive plotters lurk. To clear thinking people it is a ridiculous and pointless target to plot to dominate mankind. Hopefully one day this ridiculousness will also dawn on the plotters their selves. If you want your wishes to be granted speak up! Clearly and loudly say what those wishes are. Don’t wait for others to speak for you. That is how we got into this ridiculous mess in the first place.
David and Yvonne Brittain 30-03-09

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