A Tool named Ridicule
As we all know, conspiracy theories abound on the Internet, and to dare use the title ‘New World Order’ is to invite ridicule as being the unreal products of fevered imaginations. Obviously the whole point of a conspiracy is to strictly limit knowledge of it to the conspirators who dreamed up the conspiracy in the first place. As such it is difficult if not impossible for ordinary members of the public to know for certain if a conspiracy to introduce a N.W.O. exists or not. At this point it may be helpful to define what we mean by the word conspiracy, and also what we mean by New World Order. The Collins concise dictionary defines the word conspiracy as, 1. A secret plan, to carry out an illegal or harmful act, especially with political motivations; plot. 2. The act of making such plans in secret.
Next let us examine the title ‘New World Order’. We the authors are deeply into New Age thought and we welcome any improvement or innovation that would make this a more enlightened better and fairer world in which for without exception, everyone to live. If N.W.O. is meant to achieve a better and fairer world for all we are all for it, unfortunately hard experience gained during nearly seven decades of closely observing modern history being made makes us suspicious of the word ‘Order’ included in that title. During that long observing period we have witnessed throughout the world the introduction or rather imposition of many harsh versions of the word ‘Order’ by leaders upon the people they are privileged to lead. No matter what flavour of ‘ism’ the politics that the current leaders follow, always unfailingly the same type of people come out on top to enjoy riches and power, and always the same type of people remain on the bottom, seemingly powerless and dependent on those at the top, so if N.W.O. means a more powerful and autocratic version of the same we really don’t need it, life is hard enough already.
What makes our lives so hard? The fact that thinly disguised powerful autocracy has already ruled mankind for many generations and has become the normal, accepted way of life, and here is where the word ‘conspiracy’ enters the scene. It surely cannot be legal to plan and create the circumstances that will certainly cause the disempowered majority of mankind to suffer ever-tightening restrictions on the freedom of all individuals to enjoy a fulfilling life, and yet that is what is happening. The same Collins dictionary defines the word Autocracy as (1) Government by an individual with unrestricted authority. (2) A country, society, etc., ruled by an autocrat.
So far every type of political ‘ism’ has been tried somewhere in the world but always it ends up with all the power invested into one man or woman at the top of this or that government. The government may be the result of a military coupe or it may have been democratically elected but always decision making comes down to the top man and his selection of non-elected specialist advisors, and then loyalty to the political party demands that all of the elected government members have to go along with what has been decided in their names. Any member that doesn’t go along with the decision is ostracized. Of course in a democracy the top man can be voted out of office or impeached to then be replaced by another top man or woman but the situation as described remains unchanged. World-shaking decisions are made when this international selection of a few top men and women meet and these decisions seldom if ever reflect the wishes of the world population.
Whose wishes do these decisions made by leaders of governments reflect? Unfortunately they mostly reflect the wishes and demands of powerful international private interests, huge investors, banks, and industrialists with the power and influence to make or break the economies of nations. Money is the method by which mankind has chosen to exchange energy, and so those who create and control the flow of money internationally have enormously powerful influence over the decisions made by national leaders. Looked at in this light the whole idea of democratic government is a confidence trick played on the voters. It is very easy to work such a deception because most people are not politically minded or politically conversant. The very lifestyle of the working people ensures that their entire focus of attention is fixed upon surviving in a deliberately manipulated competitive society where ever-rising prices for essentials have become the accepted norm. To protest and to suggest that deliberate manipulation is involved at best invites being publicly ridiculed or being completely and arrogantly ignored by the very media that offers itself as ‘Defenders of the peoples’ rights’ and of at worst being persecuted and hounded by the ‘lawful authorities.
The protester is then faced by a system of justice created and run by people who individually have had to devote many, many years to learning the intricacies and laws of a justice system based in many centuries of precedent. Despite the required years of study devoted by these people they then blandly inform the protester that ignorance of the law is not an acceptable excuse. What chance does anyone have when faced with such an illogical system?
What are the wishes of the world population? The world is filled with a melange of different types of people, different colour skins, different religions and spiritual beliefs, different languages, and different lifestyles, but mostly they all share the same wishes in common. Wherever they live in the world they want to live in peace with their neighbours. They want to earn a decent and honest living to enable them to enjoy the love and warmth of their families, and to enjoy a modest share of the generous bounty and beauty offered by planet Earth. They want to be able to trust their leaders to get on with the job of leading the people to prosperity. Mostly the last thing they want is to conquer other nations or to impose their will, religious or political, upon others. Really this is not much to ask from life, but how many of us ever get these simple wishes granted? Instead our leaders offer us all a continuous, indigestible diet of fear served up in many different forms. Fear is used to manipulate our emotions, and self-doubts by both political and religious leaders, and by those hidden powerful interests that control the media and pull the puppet strings of the leaders. If this isn’t a conspiracy, what is?
To divide and conquer sums up the motives that lay behind this forced diet of fear. For example, if you can be made to feel that others from elsewhere in the world are intent upon harming you and your loved ones you have no way of knowing whether this is true or not, but you wish to believe that the leader via the media is telling you the truth. Quite naturally without thought or protest you would allow your trusted leader to adopt greater powers that also would restrict yours and everyone else’s freedom, all supposedly in the cause of protecting you and your loved ones. You would allow your local friendly police force to be transformed into masked, armoured regiments of humanoids complete with Zulu-type, baton-beating plastic shields backed by tear gas and water cannons to invoke terror into those, branded as disloyal traitors that dare to protest at such infringements upon personal freedom.
You would proudly send your sons and daughters abroad to fight those that you have been led to believe threaten your nation. Lastly you would wait in vain for your leader to relinquish those adopted greater powers and to bring your sons and daughters back home to you. You would wait in vain because the whole idea was to gain those greater powers in the first place, and so always reasons will be found to justify retaining those powers for as long as possible. At no stage during the working of this confidence trick are you allowed by the media to regard those others from elsewhere in the world as human beings very little different to yourself. Thus to one man a freedom fighter is to another man a terrorist, depending on the differing points of view emphasised.
The powers-that-be works a similar confidence trick on young people whose loyalty to their nations leads them to enlist in the armed forces. Swiftly and smoothly they are encouraged by their seniors to regard their selves as members of an elite brotherhood, separate from those in civilian life, and to regard the leader of their nation as their commander-in-chief. Before the hideous reality of their situation dawns on these young impressionable people they are expected to swear an oath, which in fact transfers all matters of his or her conscience and application of personal freewill firmly into the hands of his or her senior officers. This sounds like an unlikely exaggeration until in times of armed conflict the conscience of the young person compels him or her to disobey orders. Then mercilessly, from top to bottom, the brotherhood unites against this misguided individual. Much of the working of this confidence trick relies on an ongoing need of individuals to belong and be accepted by a group. To belong to and be accepted by a group requires the individual to replace clear thought with blind obedience to orders from above, and in this way, via the military hierarchy the civilian leader of a nation is willingly given a powerful, obedient weapon with which to bargain when leaders of nations meet.
We have already mentioned the hidden pressures from powerful international interests that are exerted upon leaders of nations. The existence of these pressures brings into question the real rather than the publicised reasons and motives for taking a nation to war. For everyone but the ordinary tax-paying citizen wars and weapons research and manufacture are very profitable ventures for those who never reveal themselves to public scrutiny. This means that the interests of the military and the international arms manufacturers are closely aligned. Thus each nation, made up of people who don’t want war, is compelled to spend countless billions of taxpayers’ money on the increasingly foul weapons of war.
No matter how highly principled the leader of a nation we never seem to get to the point where honesty is allowed to enter the scene during international negotiations with leaders of other nations. The western nations have an appalling modern history of arrogant exploitation of the resources of third world countries and near, middle, and far eastern nations that has produced ongoing, intense resentment and hatred, but never does the national pride of our leaders allow them to ask how they could make amends for all of that past wrong doing. This leads us to believe that an international conspiracy does exist that cruelly use any tool to foment discord and distrust between nations of peace-loving people.
If as we believe the imposition of some type of malevolent N.W.O. is waiting in the wings we only have ourselves to blame. Each of us is gifted with intelligence and is capable of using intelligence to ask searching questions of our leaders and of demanding honest answers. The time for blind unquestioning trust and acceptance has gone having revealed as a result continuous betrayal of our trust. When enough people change their individual outlook from that of followers of leaders of governments and religions to that of ‘leader of self’ we all will revalue ourselves, our opinions and our thoughts regardless of those of others. Then that indigestible diet of fear will be replaced by the clear thinking of each individual, and then the light of truth will illuminate the dark corners where furtive plotters lurk. To clear thinking people it is a ridiculous and pointless target to plot to dominate mankind. Hopefully one day this ridiculousness will also dawn on the plotters their selves. If you want your wishes to be granted speak up! Clearly and loudly say what those wishes are. Don’t wait for others to speak for you. That is how we got into this ridiculous mess in the first place.
David and Yvonne Brittain 30-03-09
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